Today, the International Herald Tribune online published a devastating op-ed by Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, 'Palestinians, America, and the UN' (1/20) which urges the US not to veto a proposed UN Security Council Resolution condemning Israeli settlements which are illegal under international law.
Ashrawi explains the international consensus position on settlements in a manner that the US media typically tends to avoids, "Not only are they a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention; under the Rome Statute, they are considered a war crime." She discusses the dangers settlements and settlers pose to Palestinians as they "superimpose a colonial grid over the West Bank, including East Jerusalem." Ashrawi is also frank about why the peace process has been terribly off track for so long, "Negotiations are not a substitute for international law. Rather, they should be guided by international law, which alone establishes the benchmarks for a just peace."
Please WRITE! to the New York Times and thank them for publishing this important and timely op-ed as it is sure to generate a heavy response. Ashrawi's op-ed will likely appear in the IHT print edition tomorrow. Letters should be kept under 150 words in length and be sure to include your name, address, and phone number for verification purposes only.
For further information:
Ma’an News Agency: US to oppose condemnation of settlements
Pickering, Hills, Sullivan, Beinart, Dobbins, More Ask Obama Administration to Support UN Resolution Condemning Illegal Israeli Settlements
Greybeards Urge U.S. not to Veto U.N. Anti-Settlement Resolution
Greybeards Urge U.S. not to Veto U.N. Anti-Settlement Resolution
Philip C. Wilcox: The U.S. should vote for a UN Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements
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