Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani took “serious notice” of the “the sad incident of the killing of a girl by electric current on the orders of the panchayat”, and ordered police to immediately submit a report, his office said. Bibi's death appeared to be what is known as an honour killing. They are common in rural areas where, under centuries-old tribal customs, getting married without permission of male relatives or having sex outside marriage is deemed a serious slight to the honour of the family or the tribe.
Hundreds of people, mostly women, are killed in Pakistan in the name of “honour” every year, with the majority of victims from poor, rural families.

Her relatives persuaded her to return to her home on the promise that she would be allowed to marry him.
“Her father, uncles and other relatives later refused to fulfil her wish because they said the boy comes from a lower caste,” he said.
“Her uncles and other influential people killed her when she refused to marry according to their will.”
Police raided Bibi's village home on a tip from a villager who said her relatives were telling people that she had committed a suicide and they were burying her. Rabbani said Bibi's father, Abdul Majeed, and an uncle had been detained.
"""A woman is stigmatised as a “kari”, or “black woman”, if she is accused of having sex outside of marriage. Her killing would be justified under tribal customs. “Karo” is the male version.""" this JAHILIYA ERA???..and where is the man punishment in this tribal customs, no black man , eh??.. and where is written that falling in love is haram?...Allah Curse them, and their premetive fuking makes me furious wallahi..merde!!!!